
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I created this blog as a means to share and discuss both scientific and pseudoscientific news from the mainstream media. The goals of this blog are twofold:

Firstly, to “translate” and analyze scientific news as reported either by the mainstream media (MSM) or more specific science-based outlets. Without any sort of scientific background or education, the typical journalist for any MSM newspaper or website is at a disadvantage when attempting to explain scientific or other technologic news in a way for the average reader to wholly grasp the relevance and/or importance. Many of the articles to be found in this blog will be dedicated to “translating” actual science without any spin or simplification that can be found in MSM sources. On the flip side, original research and reporting from sources with a typical audience of readers with an advanced education can prove confusing for a curious reader with less or different academic training. Science and Skepticism will attempt to translate discoveries and other important news from both of these sources so that it is accurate, thorough, and most importantly understandable for an inquisitive reader.

Secondly, this blog will analyze pseudoscientific claims based on non-scientific or “alternative” methods. Pseudoscience is any claim or belief that masquerades under a guise of science but in reality fails to use required methods of validation such as the scientific method or empirical evidence. Carl Sagan has commented on the differences between science and pseudoscience: in his book entitled Broca’s Brain:

“I believe that even a smattering of such findings in modern science and mathematics is far more compelling and exciting than most of the doctrines of pseudoscience, whose practitioners were condemned as early as the fifth century B.C. by the Ionian philosopher Heraclitus as “night-walkers, magicians, priests of Bacchus, priestesses of the wine-vat, mystery-mongers.” But science is more intricate and subtle, reveals a much richer universe, and powerfully evokes our sense of wonder. And it has the additional and important virtue—to whatever extent the word has any meaning—of being true.”

I very much hope that you enjoy reading this blog. But most importantly, I hope that you emerge from this blog at least a little more curious, a little more learned, and a little more wowed at the amazing world of scientific discovery.

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